Combining custom orthotics & epat for effective heel pain relief

Many of our patients suffering from heel pain need a two-tiered solution:

  1. A way to accelerate pain relief and recovery from the condition causing their pain.
  2. A means to provide long-term support and greatly reduce the risk of that condition happening again.

That is why we have combined two of our treatments that hit these goals – Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT) and custom orthotics – into one convenient Heel Pain Package!

If these treatments may be effective for your particular heel pain condition and needs, bundling them together can save you both money and time spent in discomfort. What’s not to love about that?


How can each form of treatment help your heel pain?

  • EPAT therapy, also known as “shockwave therapy,” stimulates and aids the body’s natural healing processes using high-pressure waves. It helps relieve pain, improve blood flow, and accelerate cellular repairs.
  • Custom orthotics provide prescribed amounts of cushioning and corrective support to areas of the feet and ankles that need it most. If a structural problem is contributing to the source of your heel pain, custom orthotics can address it by properly redistributing weight across your feet. 

Package Choices for Current and New Patients

We are offering our EPAT and Custom Orthotics combination in two separate packages, depending on your current situation for heel pain treatment.

Package #1: For Existing Patients

If you already know that EPAT and custom orthotics are recommendations for your heel pain, we can head straight into scheduling your EPAT sessions and getting you a pair of custom orthotics made especially for your feet.

Package Price: $825

Package #2: For New Patients or Patients Wanting a Second Opinion

If it has not been determined yet whether EPAT and custom orthotics would be an effective route of treatment for your heel pain, then an examination will be required to understand the roots of the problem. We do not want to recommend any form of treatment without having any idea of whether it will help you!

Or perhaps you have received a diagnosis elsewhere and the treatment plan has not been providing you the results you have been hoping for. We can help you determine whether this treatment package or another form of treatment would better suit your needs.

This package includes an initial evaluation and X-rays along with the EPAT and custom orthotics (if it is determined they would be helpful for your case).

Package Price: $995

Find the Relief You Need from Heel Pain at Our Lee's Summit Office

Whether EPAT and custom orthotics are your best route for heel pain relief or other forms of treatment that may suit your needs better, we want to ensure you receive the relief you deserve – both now and into the future.

Contact us today by phone or fill out our contact form here and let’s take the first steps toward treating your heel pain!